Head shot of myself, Santiago.

Hello, I'm Santiago

Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Quibusdam fugit possimus in enim, a nulla atque, nostrum accusamus provident, placeat perferendis. A inventore eligendi nihil sint quasi dolore quas autem? Quisquam eum expedita natus aliquam, modi earum! Expedita consectetur dolor nemo perferendis dolore quam necessitatibus voluptate distinctio fugiat aspernatur minima, velit illo voluptatibus repudiandae sit. Commodi perspiciatis consequuntur quod voluptate? Ipsa vero, quos at nobis odio animi doloribus voluptatem iusto dignissimos quae est quaerat quidem accusantium perferendis optio! Voluptas ut, necessitatibus illo dolorum aliquid commodi natus quisquam voluptatem libero quibusdam! Laboriosam perspiciatis quam accusamus, asperiores illo sint eveniet? Aspernatur dolore nam ex exercitationem expedita libero architecto, odio officiis quidem, dolorum, natus minima beatae est tenetur adipisci eligendi eaque. Nesciunt, adipisci.

This Web portfolio

At the moment I am making this Web portfolio. This project is going to be using concepts and techniques I have just learned. With some luck I will be able to officially host this project in my own domain and continuously work on improving it.

Donating at American Red Cross

I am always adament in supporting the American Red Cross. I truly believe that by supporting them I am helping save others. If I can convince one other person then I will be happy. Think about it like this, once every 56 days you make a quick 20 minute whole blood donation. Nothing to it, really, and by doing it you can save someone who may be in critical need. If you can wait in a long Starbucks line for coffee everyday then I am confident this will be a no breezer.
I try to go and donate as often as possible. I have stopped doing whole blood donations sometime ago in order to focus on platelet donations. If you are new to donating then be warned, donating platelets isn't for everyone. The process is a lot longer, but I suggest getting details from a blood collection staff in ARC (American Red Cross) before deciding if you are up to it. Also, if you want to be a part of a community of donors, then check out my the team I created in ARC. Asclepius

Consider something else




Where am I now